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President Biden recently announced that $292 million of federal funding will go toward the Hudson Tunnel project. This $16 billion project is designed to improve travel between New York and New Jersey, notably Amtrak and New Jersey Transit routes.

The Hudson Tunnel project aims to rehabilitate and renovate the old North River Tunnel, along with building a new tunnel between the waterfront area in Manhattan, the Hudson River and the Palisades. The second tunnel will ensure that transit can continue to operate while the North River Tunnel is out of commission.

The need for this project stems from damage by Superstorm Sandy. The Hudson Tunnel service reliability has been compromised, thanks to seawater infiltrating both tubes in October 2012. While the tunnels are now safe for travel, chlorides from the seawater continue to damage the concrete liner and bench walls. This has further harmed certain tunnel systems and components. Because the tunnel is so old, having opened in 1910, its frequent maintenance needs have been disruptive to transit systems.

During the rehabilitation project, two new tracks will be installed. These span from the Northeast Corridor in Secaucus, NJ, beneath the Palisades and Hudson River, to Penn Station in New York City. This portion of the project will be completed before the Hudson Tunnel is repaired and upgraded. This ensures that commuters will still be able to take advantage of rail systems during the project, and no changes to the Penn Station approach will be made. Ultimately, both tunnels will be used once construction is complete.

The $292 million of federal funding is part of the U.S. government’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure law, which has granted money for similar projects in Kentucky, Ohio, Oklahoma and Maryland. Other sources of funding include state, local and possibly private funding.

This project has not required the relocation of any businesses or residences. However, subsurface easements have been purchased to allow construction underneath residences. An environmental review has been completed, and developers are working on obtaining permits and real estate. Once construction begins, it will take approximately seven years to complete the new tunnel, and an additional three years to rehabilitate the existing Hudson Tunnel.

Contact us if you have more questions about the project, any questions about the eminent domain process and/or if you want a personalized map of how your property may be impacted.